Dining Dollars remaining in a student’s account at the end of the Fall semester will rollover and remain Dining Dollars for the Spring semester. Remaining Dining Dollars in a student’s account after the Summer semester will transfer to the student’s Bama Cash account automatically.
Students who do not wish to use Bama Cash can request that the unspent balance be credited to their student account at the Office of Student Accounts.
Requests for unspent Bama Cash account funds will be accepted April 15th and processed only after the last day of published final examinations for the spring semester if the cardholder was enrolled in the Spring semester.
If the cardholder was enrolled for Fall semester only, requests for credit will be accepted after December 1 and processed after the last day to late register for the Spring semester or after the cardholder graduates, officially withdraws, is administratively withdrawn, suspended or leaves the University. Proof of withdrawal, graduation, administrative withdrawal, or suspension is required prior to processing a request for credit at any time in the term other than the end of Spring semester.
Refund requests for Dining Dollars and Bama Cash are processed when the account balance is $1 or more and a written request for credit is submitted.
When a request is received, any unspent funds are forwarded to The Office of Student Account Services and credited against any outstanding amounts on the cardholder’s account. You may contact the Office of Student Account Services for further details about your refund.
Refunds will be processed through your UA student financial account in accordance with the Student Account Services refund policy. Students must:
- Set up direct deposit via your student financial account on the Refund tab
- Verify/update their contact information via the student tab in myBama and opening the “Update Addresses and Phones” button in the Student Academic Services panel.